Sunday, April 27, 2014

Summary Sunday: Exhaustion Edition

Ok...I'm pooped. I could totally do with at least one more weekend day. This last week has been totally exhausting. There was a lot of crafting, blogging, and reading. We also had a band concert for Darian and I managed to finally get a haircut...freeing myself of about 14" of hair which I donated to Wigs for Kids.

On an up note, I was able to finish my projects for the A to Z Challenge. I have two posts left to write (one of which requires photo editing), and then I will be all set to wrap up April. Twenty-six project posts in 30 days. Craziness.

I was also nominated for a Liebster award this week by Alix over at Kre'ativ77. The original plan was to post on that today...but this is going to be a MONSTER of a post, so that will have to happen later this week...I'm looking at Friday as the most likely candidate.

I'm running on little sleep right now since I participated in Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon yesterday and this morning. I wound up passing out in my book somewhere close to 5 a.m. The read-a-thon ended at 6 a.m. Darnit. So close.

Let's see what else I was up to this week...

Posts I Posted: Holy crap. This totally has to be a record. This is my ELEVENTH post of the past week. Whoa.

There were six posts for the A to Z Challenge:

"R" was for Rubs (Homemade Spice Rubs)

"S" was for Scrap Fabric Stockings

"T" was for Toddler No Sew Tutus

"U" was for Unicorn Hoodie

"V" was for Vinyl Birthday Board

"W" was for Wild Animal Hand Puppets.

And then there were four posts about books.

I announced my intentions to participate in Bout of Books 10.

Bout of Books

And then I chronicled three posts for Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon.

Whew! I'm tired just from listing all of that.

Recipes I Tried: I'll be honest. This week was a total blur. I'm really not sure what happened outside of crafting, reading and blogging. I'm pretty sure we ate dinner around here, but I can't for the life of me tell you what we had. I know there was ham involved at some point, since Mom sent some with us as leftovers from Easter. And last night I had some ham & bean soup that Collin made from the ham hock. That's about where my memory fades out. It's sad.

Books I Read: Now this category saw some action. I actually finished two books this week thanks to the near 11 hours of actual reading time I had during the read-a-thon. I completed Girls in Pants by Ann Brashares and Blackbird by Melanie Schulz. That puts me only 3 books behind on my Goodreads goal. With May being book month, I'm thinking that might just get caught up.

Right now, I'm reading Acts of Contrition by Jennifer Handford and loving it. I'm about 2/3rds of the way done.

Favorite Pin of the Week: There was not a lot of Pinterest action this week. There just wasn't time. But out of what I did pin, I'm going to go with this cute crocheted Alice that I located over at Craftsy. It's a free pattern and I am totally obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. 

And that should about do it. Now...I should probably put some real pants on (instead of my comfy yoga pants) so that I can head to family dinner.


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