Welcome to my Blogging from A to Z April Challenge for 2019! The A to Z Challenge is a blogging event held each April. Bloggers create posts from A to Z beginning on April 1st and ending on April 30th. There is a post scheduled for each day of the month (except for Sundays) with each day corresponding to a sequential letter of the alphabet.
This year, I'm focusing on toddler activities since I have a busy 2-year-old to keep entertained during the day. Disclaimer: Yes...I have two kids. Yes...you're pretty much only seeing The Boy throughout this series. It's not favoritism. It's because these activities are mostly for toddlers and beyond the abilities of the Baby. He's still adorable and wonderful and just as fun to take pictures of. :)
Today, we're on the letter J! J is for Jigsaw...specifically Jigsaw Puzzles.
Since we're dealing with a toddler here, the jigsaws aren't as complicated as that 4000 piece puzzle of the Golden Gate Bridge you have to put together at your summer home. We're talking twenty or so pieces and quite frequently just fitting a shape to a hole. But...they can be challenging and fun and keep their little hands occupied for a split second. You know, if you want to do things like take a shower or use the bathroom.
Little guy has recently loved these little puzzles that I got in Spot's Playground at Target. Totally worth $3! We have a vehicle one that has 2-piece combinations and a slightly more difficult animal one where he has to connect the head, body, and feet. He likes the vehicle one way more at this stage, but then again...he's a fan of anything with wheels...especially if there's a firetruck involved.
I'm a big fan of the Melissa and Doug puzzles that are available as well. They run about $12 each for the more simple ones. I have one waiting in the wings to go in an Easter basket and a few on my wishlist on Amazon that I'm watching for sales. Puzzles are a great quiet activity that make him think but keep him happy. And the quiet part is totally a win in my book.
Are you an A to Z Blogger too? Leave me a comment so I can repay the visit.
Not an A to Z Blogger, but love the idea? Go here to see what other fun you can find in the challenge.
Miss a prior 2016 A to Z post? Find your missing link down below...
A is for ASL B is for Bubbles C is for Counting
D is for Dot E is for Exercise F is for Fort
G is for Go Fish H is for Helping I is for Indoor Car Wash
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