Sunday, March 30, 2014

Summary Sunday: Preparation Edition

It's Sunday again...that means that spring break is almost over. Bummer. I was really enjoying my time off.'s back to work and the real world tomorrow. I really need to win the lottery so this work thing stops getting in the way of my fun time.

It's been quiet here on the blog, but don't worry...I've been plenty busy around here getting stuff ready for April's A-to-Z Challenge. It starts on Tuesday! I'm getting pretty excited. Still a lot of work to do, but I'm fully prepared for the first few days and hope to get more work accomplished today.

So let's wrap up the week and get me back to prepping!

Posts I Posted: Like I said, I was a little preoccupied with getting April posts ready to roll, so the blog got a little neglected this past week (in a sense). In fact, I only posted one little solitary post all week. So sad! But it was a good one...if you haven't tried Chicken Enchilada Pasta, you need to.

Recipes I Tried: In an attempt to try and use up some of the chicken breasts holding my freezer hostage, I busted out the CrockPot this past week and tried something new. I hit my Pinterest boards and pulled out the recipe for Italian Cream Cheese Chicken from Lindsay over at Artsy Fartsy Mama. I've followed her blog for a while (yes...initially I started reading just because I giggled at the blog name) and she's got some pretty good stuff over there. The chicken was no exception. Darian and I really enjoyed it. I do so love good CrockPot recipes.

Books I Read: We have another entry for the 2014 Book of the Year! I finished up Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I quite enjoyed it. I'm still one book behind on my Goodreads goal, but I just started my first book from NetGalley and I'm kind of excited about it. I'm reading The Undiscovered Goddess by Michelle Colston. I think it might be a pretty light read and a good change of pace from all the YA fiction I've been diving into lately. Fingers crossed that the streak of good books continues!

Favorite Pinterest Pin: All of my pins this week came from posts on blogs I'm subscribed to. I didn't actually set foot (finger?) in/on Pinterest this week. I'm actually nearly three days behind on posts. It's probably ugly over on my Feedly right now. I seemed to be on a bit of an upcycle kick. I pinned a lot of decor projects using repurposed items. I actually really love this bench/coat rack that was made by Anna Bananas Furniture. The color is adorable and I love the fact that they used doors for the backing. Someday I will have enough room in my workspace to make something like this.

And now it's back to the prep work. I still have some photos to edit and some projects to recreate/finish for photos, but more than half of that work is finished. Phew! I'm looking forward to a fun filled (and post filled) April!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chicken Enchilada Pasta

I'm hard at work on photo editing and writing posts in preparation for next week's start of the A to Z Challenge! But I haven't forgotten the blog. So...let me feed you. Well, I guess not feed you, but give you something so you can feed yourself. Close enough.

This chicken enchilada pasta is delicious and pretty easy to make. It's adapted from a recipe over at Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour that I found a few years ago. It's one of those meals that is particularly good in the spring or the fall, as the temperature starts to shift from cold to warm or warm to cold. It's comfort food.

And as is always the test in my house...the boys love it. That's two thumbs up, right there.

Here's What You'll Need:

2 cans chunk chicken, shredded
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 medium onion, diced
1 red pepper, diced
1-4 oz. can green chilies
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin
2-10oz. cans green enchilada sauce
2/3 cups red enchilada sauce
2 cups shredded cheese
1 cup sour cream
Bowtie Pasta

Toppings : Olives, tomatoes, sour cream

Here's What You Do:

Boil your pasta according to the package directions. If you're buying your pasta in bulk, just boil for 10-12 minutes until al dente. Drain and return to the pot.

Heat your olive oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Cook onions 3-5 min until translucent. Add garlic and red pepper. Cook another 3-5 minutes. Add chicken, chilis, cumin, chili powder, salt and sauces.

Simmer the chicken mixture for 8-10 minutes. Add the cheese and stir until the cheese is melted and heated through. Turn the heat to low and add in sour cream. (You don't want to curdle it.) Stir until mixed and heated through.

Pour the chicken and sauce over your pasta and mix well. 

Serve and garnish with olives, tomatoes and sour cream.

Like I said, easy. It's a good meal for a night when you just don't want to put to much effort in, but you want something a little more elegant than ramen. If your family is anything like mine, this will become a pretty quick favorite.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Summary Sunday: Spring Break Edition

It's Spring Break over here. Well...technically for me, it's Spring Break weekend, minorly interrupted by working Monday, and then it's Spring Break. I'll be spending my time off getting pictures and posts prepped for April's A-to-Z Challenge.

I actually did a little work on it yesterday when I discovered that I once again failed and forgot to take pictures of the majority of projects that I made for Christmas presents last year. Crap. Seriously. When will I learn?!? So...I'll now be working on recreating some of those items to have enough pictures for posts. Sometimes I can really be a dunce.

I'm really wrapped up in playing games on my iPad right now, so let's make this quick. I have farming that needs to be done, settlers who need settled, and a logic puzzle that won't solve itself. Yup...also a nerd.

Let's take a short walk down recent memory lane and see what I accomplished this week.

Posts I Posted: It was actually a fairly productive week of posting. I shared my long overdue "Love" blocks that double as my "Lucky" blocks.

I loved them so much that I made a second reversible set for spring and Easter.

I shared my new family cleaning plan (which is working fairly well, but still needs some tweaking and some getting used to). My mother also enjoyed the fact that Darian did a crap job on the vacuuming earlier this week. She thinks it's karma for the crap I pulled vacuuming (or rather, not vacuuming) as a kid.

And I revealed my plan for the A-to-Z Challenge (which is scaring the pants off of me).

Recipes I Tried: It was a good week in the food department as well. I experimented a few times and came up with some good recipes that will be making a debut on the blog later this year. This week I made Buffalo Chicken Macaroni & Cheese, Stuffed Cheese Ranch Burgers, and some Bacon Ranch Garlic Potatoes. We enjoyed all three of them. Yup...didn't destroy anything. Amazing. The boys liked all three recipes and have already requested that they all get made again. Double amazing.

Books I Read: Things were a little slower in the reading zone. I am currently one book behind my Goodreads goal (at 13 out of 64) and reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I finished up What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty last Sunday night. It was really good and will make it into the bracket for 2014 BOTY. Though I'm not finished with Eleanor & Park yet, I think it will probably make it into the running as well. Oh...and in case you're wondering...yes, there will still be full reviews on the four and five star rated books this year (and maybe some select three stars). May will be one of two months dedicated to reading, so most of them will start debuting then. (That's also when you'll probably start hearing from Darian again. He's been a little quiet on the reading front this year.)

Projects I Worked On/Finished: Well...I finished the blocks and the cleaning plan mentioned above. I've also been doing some serious photo organization and editing for the upcoming April posts. Other than that, not much has happened. This week will get a little crazy though. I have at least two projects that will need to get made during the week to allow for photos for posts within the first week of the A-to-Z Challenge. I also have my awesome nephew turning one in just a couple of weeks, so his birthday present will be in the works. My brother will be turning 31 this week, but he's not getting a project. (Though I did contemplate making him a shirt using last week's Pinterest Pin of the Week.) Sorry, Tyler. You're out of luck until Christmas. (Don't worry...he still gets a gift, just not a homemade project.)

Favorite Pinterest Pin:'s a tough one this week. Most of my pins were actually items pinned to my Bucket List this week (in preparation for a project in the fall). But...there were a few things that I found outside of that mess. I actually ended up with two that I can't choose between, so I'm going to go ahead and declare a tie and share both of them.

The first one is a photo only, so there will be some deconstructing and redesigning when I decide to make it myself. It's these cute little felt owls (that I will probably be turning into larger sized pillows).

My second favorite pin was this license plate map done by Angela over at blue i style. She makes some cute stuff. You need to go check her out!

And...that's a wrap! Now I can get back to those very important iPad apps.

Have a great Spring Break! I'll be checking in during the week amidst the crafting and photo editing. (I've made a promise to myself that I will get out of bed every day by 9:30. We'll see how that goes.)

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Great and Powerful A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

This year, I'm trying a lot of new things on the blog. One of these is the A to Z Challenge. It all starts on April 1st and I'm super nervous about it.

So...what is the A to Z Challenge? It's a blogging event where each participant makes a post based upon a letter of the alphabet every day from Monday-Saturday throughout the month of April. Those posts run in order from A to Z. In my particular case, I'll be blogging every day of the month since I have Summary Sundays.

Today, in preparation for the challenge, I am participating in The Great & Powerful A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal. Numerous participants in the challenge are posting a theme to let their readers know what is coming up. Not every blogger participating in the challenge will have a theme, but a lot find that it's easier to complete the challenge, and easier to get readers invested, if they carry a theme throughout the duration of the challenge. To see what other participants will be working on, visit the link above.

So, since I'm participating in the theme reveal, obviously I'll have a theme. Tada! Since the blog is the Erratic Project Junkie, it's only natural to have a theme focusing on projects. Yup...that's right, I'll be posting projects nearly every day for the entire month of April. Specifically craft projects. It's a little daunting.

The majority of my projects have been selected and a large handful are already completed, but there are photos to edit, tutorials to write, some projects to finish, and even just a couple of projects to decide on. It's a lot. There will be crafting, there will be sewing, there will be scrapbooking, there will be ModPodge, and there will be homemade gifts. I'll be spending a lot of spring break getting prepped. But for as nervous as I am, I'm also kind of excited.

Comparing April to March is going to be like night and day. This month it has been a challenge just to get a post up. I've been sick twice, thrown my back out, and just more or less been a mess. It's going to be nice to have things rolling and ready to go for a full month of completed things. I may actually feel like I've accomplished something by the time April is over.

I'm also looking forward to connecting with other bloggers. There are so many people out there with great ideas, wonderful projects, good book reviews, and so much more. I look forward to broadening my blog horizons.

So...stay tuned...the A-to-Z Challenge is right around the corner!

Easter & Spring Reversible Blocks

Happy 1st day of spring!! Yay! It's finally here.

I actually really love winter, it's second only to fall (autumn if you want to be fancy) for me in terms of favorite seasons. But...I think I lost my love for the winter of 2013-2014 when our heater died. Yup...time for spring. Enough cold weather...let's warm up a little. the spirit of spring, how about something a little bright and cheery? How about another set of reversible decorative blocks? I'm on a roll.

Let's refresh the steps to this straightforward kind of project.

Start with some precut and sanded sections of 2x4 (you'll remember that I use sizes from 3" to 6").

Measure your blocks and assign each one a letter. When you're working with reversibles, you'll have to assign letters twice...once for each side.

Pick out your papers. I chose bright and happy colors (jewel tones) for spring and slightly more muted colors for Easter.

Use your measurements to cut out matching sheets of paper. Then select your letters (or cut them out with your stencil or die cut machine).

Don't the colors look happy?

Adhere the letters to the papers using your preferred method (I use my sticker maker) and use ModPodge to adhere the papers to their corresponding blocks. With reversible blocks, you'll want to have one side fully dried before you do the other...otherwise you run the risk of gluing one side of your project to your working surface. Don't do don't need the aggravation. Just be patient and give it a couple of hours.

Coat the papers with 2-3 top coats of ModPodge, allowing for full drying time between the coats. Make sure to smooth out any wrinkles that develop. (Plan on having serious sticky fingers before you're done).

And now you have a two-in-one set of decorative blocks that can be easily reversed and tidily stored!

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Hate Chores: Family Home Cleaning Plan

Don't mind the photos...apparently I have next to none of our house. It's a sad situation. So you get these few from about 5 years ago. I'll work on getting pictures sometime this year since I have a project in the fall that will require them.
Guess what? I'm going to do an actual post relating to the March topic of cleaning & organization. Go me!

So here's the deal...I hate cleaning my house. Seriously. I despise it. After Collin and I have been working all day and Darian has been at school, the last thing we want to do is to come home and clean and do chores. We certainly don't like to use up our weekend time to take care of it.

But...we don't enjoy living in squalor either, so there has to be a compromise.

About three years ago, I tried to get us on a new system to keep the house clean. It was one that I found over at FlyLady. It was super helpful at getting us going, but there were a couple of flaws. We could handle the basics, but the daily reminders for specific tasks went to my email. At the time, I didn't have a smart phone that handled email well, so they often went unread. I didn't check them at home...I checked them at the office. And by the time I got home, I forgot what the task was or I just gave up on it. The other issue was that her system is based on a much simpler home layout. It just didn't work for us. We needed something more detailed to our needs.

We ended up ditching the system and just going to a "clean as needed" cycle. That has been obnoxious. Things often don't get done when they should and laundry in particular became a headache. I can't tell you how many times loads got left in the washer for a few days and then had to be rewashed or they made it to the dryer but then wound up being "fluffed" several times before they actually got folded. Most recently, our laundry seems to stay in the laundry room once it's been folded rather than making its way back to our closets. I was about ready to pull my hair out.

It was time for something new.

So...using some of the FlyLady's basics, I decided to build my own cleaning schedule for the three of us. Darian is old enough to pitch in fairly well, so it makes divvying up the chores much more simple.

The basic principle to follow is KISS...Keep It Simple, Stupid. In the world of FlyLady, this means keeping things divided into tasks that can usually be handled in 15 minutes or less. Anyone can do something for 15 minutes. By keeping tasks small and divided throughout the week, we should be able to keep from getting overly burnt out. That's the hope.

There were a few other considerations for us.

First of all, not everything is on the schedule. Most notably, you'll notice that there isn't any mention of feeding any of the pets. That's because this isn't specifically assigned to anyone. Darian usually feeds the cats in the morning, but if he's not going to school or Collin or I leave earlier than he needs to be up, then one of us do it. And when he's at his mom's house on the weekends, Collin and I share the responsibility. The dogs are kind of a similar situation, it varies. I didn't want to deal with too many variables when putting this together, so I just steered clear of that stuff.

Secondly, Collin's schedule can be a bit crazy. There are nights that he isn't home until 11pm. Sometimes he's gone for 2-3 days at a time. So I needed to keep his chores to things that were simple, quiet, and easily flexible. I didn't want him to be responsible for something that couldn't wait a couple of days.'ll notice that my cleaning schedule is a little heavier handed than his. This isn't because I'm the's just the way our time at home works out.

We started using the schedule on Monday, so it's still quite new. But I've already noticed a wonderful difference. I'm hoping it sticks.

Let me show you how it's broken down right now. (I'm expecting that there will be some adjustments as we work the system...I'm already on my third revision and we haven't made it through a full week.)

Each family member has their own schedule, divided by day and time of day (i.e. Morning, Afternoon/Evening, Bedtime). The morning tasks are short and simple because we're usually running out the door.

In Darian's case, he is responsible for unloading/loading the dishwasher and taking out the kitchen trash. In order to keep this rolling smoothly, I have him checking them both morning and evening. That way if he starts the dishwasher in the morning, it gets unloaded in the evening or it gets started after dinner if we fill it up at night. It's a more flexible system.

You'll notice that we each have a "swish & swipe" in the mornings. This is a carryover from FlyLady. The swish and swipe refers to a quick brush and flush of the toilet (without cleaner) and a quick rinse and wipe down of the sink/countertop. It keeps the bathroom a little cleaner in between deep cleanings each week. Darian has his bathroom, I have the master, and Collin has the main bathroom. Those are the three that get the most usage. The other two just get their weekly cleanings.

Since Darian is often at his mom's house on the weekends, I kept his weekend schedule pretty basic. (I'll explain the "month task" later.) If he's not with us, it's no big deal to skip everything other than the Sunday before bed stuff. In the case of the week to strip his bed and he's not home, I'll just do that part for him. Easy enough.

Don't mind the devil cat on the bed. Pet eye is RIDICULOUS to try and edit out.

Collin's big trouble area is the den...his "office". So you'll notice that a lot of his time is focused on there. I tend to gag when cleaning out overdue food in the kitchen, so I pawned off that duty to him. We also love to let our grandfather clock die, so I've put him in charge of winding it twice a week. 

We each have a daily "5 minute room rescue" or a "15 minute room declutter". These are timed sessions in a specific room to pick up things that are on the floors, counter or otherwise not put away where they should be. They also allow us to keep the paper clutter under control and trashed as needed. They're short enough sessions to get something done without feeling overwhelmed. The room isn't expected to be pristine when you're done, but once we get it under control, then it should be pretty easy to tidy up each day.

For the weekends, I put Collin in charge of the basement. It doesn't see a lot of action, so it doesn't get that dirty. That way it's no big deal if he's not home to get it done one Saturday.

My schedule is the heaviest. The one nice thing is that I don't have any vacuuming. I HATE can ask my mother. She still gives me a hard time about the one time I got busted telling my friends that I just ran the vacuum over the carpet a couple of times (without turning it on) to put the lines in the carpet so she'd think I'd done my chores. Yep...I hated it that much. So, I took the liberty of putting the boys in charge of all of the vacuuming. Unfortunately, in return I wound up with three bathrooms. Bummer.
You'll also notice that I'm in charge of all of the laundry. I'm fine with this. The few times I've put Collin in charge, bad things tend to happen. I've ended up with shrunken shirts and jeans or it just sits in the washer or dryer. It typically doesn't go well, so I took it over.

I do like that I've broken it up so I only have to do one load a day. I hate spending my entire day flipping laundry. This should also help keep the loads smaller so that folding isn't so much of a bear. And everyone is responsible for putting away their own laundry...the part I hate the most.

My "hot spot" is my scrapbooking and crop rooms. When I'm doing projects, they tend to start to look like a bomb went off. So, I've made sure I have plenty of room rescues and declutters devoted to this location. Collin and I share responsibility for our bedroom and the kitchen, the other two crazy areas in the house.

Since I like to break things up and not spend a huge time cleaning every weekend, you've probably figured out that spring cleaning is not my forte. There are big tasks that need done every year. And we'll do them. I just don't want to do them all at once. So I spread them out throughout the year.

Each one of us has a "month task" that shows up each week on Saturday. This task can be done (and will typically be done) on Saturday, but the only rule is that it has to be done by the end of the week. Each week has a new task, so our monthly break downs have four tasks each. Yes...I'm aware that some months have five weeks. Lucky us, we'll actually end up with four "month task free" weeks each year.

I do a trade for my lawn work, so we don't have any mowing and snow around here is sporadic, so we'll just deal with shoveling as it comes. I hate pulling weeds though...almost as much as vacuuming. So I gave that all to Darian. I'm nice like that. I figure it's only fair that he enjoys the torture of weed pulling like I did as a kid.

I've made the month tasks somewhat cyclical, so that the more needed items get done every 2-3 months. You'll also notice that I have my meal planning and grocery shopping in there. I typically work off of a 3 month meal plan cycle (which I have neglected since last fall and will be redesigning before the end of the month). When I do the meal plan, we do one large shopping trip for most of the necessary items. This is a long trip and takes lots of preparation, so I've spared myself extra chores on planning weeks and freed up both myself and Collin on shopping weeks so that I have the help to attack the store and put things away.

You'll also see that I've devoted one week in October to Halloween decor and one in December to Christmas decor. It's me. Halloween means pumpkins and that task usually takes me a full week to tackle. I need the boys' help, so they're excused from major chores as well. Christmas is a similar situation. We spend an entire weekend day putting up the tree and decorations, so everyone gets a free pass that week as well. Too bad I didn't give us one for take down for each holiday...I guess that eats up two of our four freebie weeks. Drat.

And there you have it. It's a work in progress, but I think it will go well. I don't expect any major changes, just some minor shifting around. I'm actually kind of excited for the possibilities based on what I've seen so far this week.

What type of cleaning arrangement works for your family?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Love Blocks

Ya, ya...I know it's March and that love was the theme for February. But...this is one of the posts that didn't make it in time. goes with the post that went up on the blog last week, so it's just going to happen today. Embrace the chaos!

These Love Blocks are the back sides of the Lucky Blocks. Yup...they're reversible! Oooh...fancy. Actually, it's just a nice way to reduce the amount of blocks that Collin had to cut and the number of blocks I have to store in between holidays. Believe it or not, storage space is not unlimited in our house.

Like I showed you in the post for the Lucky Blocks, these are pretty easy to make and they don't take a lot of supplies.

To make the Love Blocks you'll need:

* 4-5 sanded wood blocks cut from a 2x4. You'll need five if you want the heart and if you want them to be reversible with the Lucky Blocks.

* Patterned paper.

* Letters.

*Adhesive for your letters.

* ModPodge and a paint brush. I used a foam brush on these and I may have lost my love for them. Not one, but two of them decided to disintegrate and find their way to the trash can during the project, leaving little black foam specs all stuck up in the ModPodge. Bologna foam brushes, bologna. (Boloney? Ya...I don't know if you're supposed to use the proper spelling when you're using it as an insult or not, but I'm pretty fed up with foam brushes.)

Anywho...let's put these puppies together.

The directions are obviously the same as with the lucky blocks. Measure the height and width of each of the blocks. Cut out your paper to the measured dimensions. When in doubt, cut just a titch smaller. It's easier to adhere paper that's a little smaller than the wood block than it is to mold the paper over the edges...especially if your paper is a little on the thick side.

Adhere letters to their corresponding papers. I like to use my sticker maker for this. The sticker maker likes to run out of adhesive before I'm finished using it.

Attach the paper to the wood block using the Mod Podge by applying the ModPodge to the paper and then attaching to the blocks. This will minimize your wrinkles. I found an even easier method this time and actually adhered my paper to the blocks by running them through the sticker maker. That was a horrible idea. The lack of ModPodge under the paper made it more difficult to avoid wrinkles and seal the edges. Any trapped air bubbles with this method will be twice as ugly than with the ModPodge method. You will curse. Don't try to avoid the ModPodge. You will be sorry.

Let the blocks dry. Make sure you wait enough time in between Mod Podge applications in order to prevent excess bubbles or wrinkles in the paper.

Coat the tops of the papers with a thin layer of ModPodge. Make sure you get fully over all edges. Repeat this process two to three times until you get the finish you're looking for.

And you're finished. Tada! In the end, I've decided that I like the matte finish better for these projects. The gloss finish tends to accentuate the wrinkles in the paper. I prefer to hide my boo boos.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Summary Sunday: Sticky Fingers Edition

Hi there! I'm taking a break from being covered in ModPodge to get this post written before Sunday becomes Monday and I'm a day late again.

I've been working on a pile of projects over the last couple of days. I've been productive, but not as much as I've wanted to be thanks to a few snafu's. I managed to have some serious issues with the ModPodge yesterday and had a couple of foam brushes disintegrate mid-glue. I'm starting to lose my love for foam brushes. To which Collin said "Aren't those meant to be for temporary use?" Ugh. Doesn't he know that logic doesn't apply when crafting?

So now that I'm actually getting some things done, let's see what else I did this week.

Posts I Posted: I finished and posted not one, but TWO St. Patrick's Day projects. Amazing. Both projects are pretty easy and inexpensive to make...just the way I like them.

The banner took Collin two days to notice. I had to point it out for him. At that point he said, "Oh. I thought it had been there for quite a while, so I didn't say anything." My husband, Captain Observant, everyone.

The blocks were the start of the ModPodge mania. I'm still not super thrilled with the fact that the wrinkles showed up the way they did on the "y", but that's the nature of this kind of project. I suppose I could have done some creative photo editing to make it look like they didn't exist, but I both don't have the patience for that kind of thing and don't feel it's fair to misrepresent the imperfection of my own projects. After all, when I make a project based on someone else's post, I like to know that they occasionally struggle with getting things to look just so. So there you go...I struggle too. (More often that I would like to.)

Recipes I Tried: We had some thawed out ground beef that desperately needed to get used and I really didn't feel like doing anything extravagant on Monday, so we tried out the Stove Top Meatloaf. It will not win any beauty awards (hence the lack of a picture for you today), but it was delicious. Both of the boys wolfed it down. It also had the added bonus of being super simple. It took me about 5 minutes to prep and then I was able to work on my St. Patrick's Banner while it cooked.

Books I Read: As long as I finish What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty tonight (which I expect to happen), I will remain on track for my book reading goals. Amazing. I finished Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson. I loved it! You need to read it. It was just so good. I'm so happy and relieved to finally be on a streak of good books.

Projects I Worked On/Finished: Other that the St. Pat's crafts, I've been busy working on a few other things. I have two projects that will be up on the blog next week and I'm working on putting together a new cleaning schedule for the family that will be my first actual post for this month's theme of spring cleaning & organization. Sad, but true. At least I'm finally getting to it. Once I get that ready to roll, then there will be some other smaller theme related projects that should be able to get tackled. I'm also prepping some projects and photos for the big A-to-Z Challenge coming up in April. It's a monster undertaking, so I'm hoping to be sufficiently prepared come April 1st.

Favorite Pin of the Week: This week's favorite pin had me laughing out loud. It is actually a picture from a t-shirt for sale over at RoadKill T-Shirts that I found via Sugar Bee Crafts. I love it because it actually reminds me of my brother. He has a thing for T-Rex that's too long of a story to explain here and he makes hilarious cards for my family for birthdays...this seems like something he would do.

See. Hilarious. Poor image quality...but hilarious.

And now I'm off to get back to the ModPodge. Don't forget to wear your green tomorrow! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Lucky" Wood Blocks

Hey, hey! It's project time. Whee!! And just in time for St. Patrick's Day, how about another piece of holiday decor? Are you keeping track here? Because this makes two pieces of decor for St. Patrick's Day. Whoa. I'm totally getting out of control.

You might remember that I made a set of Trick or Treat wood blocks for Halloween. I like them quite a bit, so they're now becoming a series thing. You I'll have sets for all of the major holidays. Why not? They're easy to make and I have wood floating around. Sounds like a plan.

So, to make these yourself, you won't need a whole lot of stuff. In fact, all you'll need is:

* 5 wood blocks cut from a 2x4. All of the wood blocks I use for these holiday blocks are cut at lengths between 3 and 5 inches. I like to mix and match them. I sanded the edges of my blocks to keep my super accident prone self from getting any splinters. Unlike my Halloween blocks, I didn't paint these ones before getting going. I didn't feel like these ones really needed it.

* Patterned paper. The thinner paper works the best. Cardstock works, but the coated cardstock is a bit of a pain. It doesn't deal well with the ModPodge, since ideally you want the paper to soak up the ModPodge to some extent. You can use just one pattern of paper for all of the blocks, or you can mix it up and use a different pattern for each block like I did.

* Letters. I cut all of my letters out from sparkled black cardstock using my Pazzle. You could also use stamps, stickers or chipboard. Whatever floats your boat.

*Adhesive for your letters. Again, you can go a lot of different ways here. I like to use my Xyron Sticker Maker, but even a glue stick will work just fine.

* ModPodge and a paint brush. For these blocks, I used Gloss ModPodge. I use foam brushes, but any brush will work.

Alright, are you ready to assemble?

Measure the height and width of each of your selected wood blocks. I marked each block with its measurements and the letter that it would end up being so that I didn't get the block turned upside down or accidentally switch two similar blocks when it came time to adhere the paper.

Cut out your paper to the dimensions of each block. When in doubt, cut just a titch smaller. It's easier to adhere paper that's a little smaller than the wood block than it is to mold the paper over the edges...especially if your paper is a little on the thick side.

Adhere letters to their corresponding papers.

Attach the paper to the wood block using the ModPodge. typically works out better to put the ModPodge on the paper and then attach versus putting the ModPodge on the block. Both options will work, but putting the adhesive on the paper will result in less of a wrinkled appearance when you're done.

Let the blocks dry. Make sure you wait enough time in between ModPodge applications in order to prevent excess bubbles or wrinkles in the paper.

Coat the papers with a thin layer of ModPodge. Make sure you get fully over all edges. Repeat this process two to three times until you get the finish you're looking for.

And that's it! You can finish them off with clear coat, but it's not necessary if they're going to stay indoors and dry.

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