Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Themed Decor and 2013 Pumpkin Plan Reveal

Hello everyone! I know I've totally been M.I.A. for quite a while, but life has been very busy and there are some major changes coming for me and my family. I will share those changes with you in a month or two once things are all settled. But...the craziness all started a few months ago...Collin & I finally tied the knot in September!

Getting everything prepared for our homespun wedding was pretty time intensive and I spent a LOT of time working on things for the decor.

Our wedding was wonderful and I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the awesome shots that our photographer got. Jessica is a great photographer and just seeing the few pics that she's shown us so far have made me super giddy. 

I'll be sharing more about our wedding later on, including all of the DIY decor that we used. Like my mother-in-law told us...our wedding was just "us". It really was. It fit us perfectly and it was a wonderful day.

(cue complete lack of transition)

Those of you who have been reading this for a while know that I LOVE Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. 

I've been terribly lazy this year thanks to the craziness that has arisen in our lives over the last month, so I'll be putting my decor up over the next couple of days. 

We do have a pumpkin plan for this year...I still have some planning and organization to do, but it should turn out good.

I'll reveal that in a second. 

But for now, I thought maybe you all needed a little Halloween fun. is some regurgitated material, a look back at some of our past pumpkin displays, and some other fun Halloween crafts to get you in the spirit of the super fun holiday that will soon be upon us.


2011 Pumpkin Display ... Pumpkin Massacre

2012 Pumpkin Display ... Classic Monsters

Last October, I participated in 31 Days. I posted something every day for the entire month of October. I had selected crafting as my theme (obviously I do a little of that around here) and so the 31 Days of Creative Crafting was born.

A good chunk of those projects were Halloween themed. So...I'm sharing them with you again. Hopefully you'll find something that will put you in a spooky kind of mood.



Well that should give you some good Halloween inspiration. 

And now...

...the big reveal...

This year's pumpkin plan is...









It should be a blast, but I have a LOT of work to do. There may be updates this year as I design and carve and there may all depends on what I have available in my schedule.

But...there will be (as is now tradition) a big Halloween night reveal of the final project. I can't wait to see what we manage with this one!

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