The Back 2 Books Read-a-Thon is hosted by Karsyn. It's a laid back RaT designed just to get your head back in a book --- exactly what I need at this juncture of the year since my grand total of completed books stands at a whopping ZERO just a few days before the start of April. I can't remember a year in the recent past where I've been so awful about picking up a book. It's really rather embarrassing. But...such is life.
So...I am now getting to the Pre-Event Questionnaire. Then...well...then there will be some reading. Such a solid start, really.
Here we go...
1. What part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in the Pacific Northwest...Idaho. Currently lounging on the loveseat in the den while my husband plays computer games.
2. Do making goals help you read-a-thons, or does it stress you out?
If my schedule is light, goals help keep me motivated. With a schedule like I've had the last few months, it's better for me to fly by the seat of my pants since things change so frequently around here.
3. Do you plan out your stack, or are you a "fly-by-er", choosing books at random?
I'm usually a planner, but with my crazy schedule I'm honestly lucky to just to get some reading done. Since I've also learned that I am a horribly awful mood reader, the fly-by approach has been working much better for me.
4. Do you find it hard or easy to name your all-time favorite books?
It's pretty easy for me. I can't necessarily put them in an order, but I can give my top handful without too much frustration. Here's the short list:
1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
2. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
3. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
4. A Time to Kill by John Grisham
5. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
6. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
7. The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
8. Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson
5. What are your top 5 favorite books, as of this moment?
Well...kind of beat this one to the punch, didn't I? If I had to narrow that list down right now, it would most likely look like this...

5. What are your top 5 favorite books, as of this moment?
Well...kind of beat this one to the punch, didn't I? If I had to narrow that list down right now, it would most likely look like this...

6. What book have you read lately that has stayed with you? (either good or bad)
Since I haven't read anything in full yet this year ( pathetic), I have to look at my reads from last year's 4th quarter for this answer. Oh...I didn't remember how many great books I read during those months. There are some wonderful ones there. This is a hard pick, but I'm going to go with Just One Day by Gayle Forman. It's just a wonderfully romantic book and I loved it oh so much.
7. What's been your favorite book you've read so far in 2015?
Busted again. Guess this one goes without an answer for now. I really need to get my butt in gear.
8. What 2015 book release are you looking forward to the most?
I don't always read the most current books. In fact, I'm typically about 3-4 years behind the curve. The upside to that is I can typically read good series books all together and I don't have to wait for the next one to come out...because they've already all been published.
I did go look at the Goodreads 2015 expected releases though, so (now that I've educated myself) I'm going to go with The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I've heard several bloggers sing its praises, so I've gotten a little amped up about it.
9. Do you have a go-to genre? What is it?
I like to read a lot of different styles of books, but if I'm in a reading rut (read: now), then Young Adult Fiction is the way to go for me. In fact, I think that's what's going to happen. I'm going to take a temporary rain check on the book I've been trying to slog through for the last three months and take a breather to go read some John Green or Rainbow Rowell or Cassandra Clare. Hopefully they can get me out of my funk.
10. If you could be reading anywhere in the world, where would you most want to be?
The hubs and I have been talking a lot over the last few days about a 3-5 year plan and we've both decided that we need a change of scenery. It's time. So...based on those conversations and where we've decided that we want to move, I'm going to say Whidbey Island, Washington. I love rainy, gloomy weather. It's the perfect reading weather. To read on a covered deck out in the rain with the smell of sea air and a view of the ocean sounds like heaven.
What about you? Are you reading this weekend? I highly recommend joining in on this read-a-thon. Karsyn always does a great job of keeping things relaxed. Always nice. Now...I'm going to go hit the books!!
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