Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June TBR

Half of the year is gone! It doesn't seem like that should be possible, and yet...here we are. I've been having a pretty successful reading year. I'm currently more than 10 books ahead of my Goodreads goal and I am freaking loving the reading spreadsheet I created (and continue to develop) for myself. I'm such a freaking stats nerd, but it seriously helps me keep organized with both ARCs and read-a-thons.

May Wrap Up

May was a pretty good month for books. I finished seven print books and two audiobooks.

There were two disappointing reads in the bunch, but overall it was a decent reading month.

My favorite book of the month was Not So Long Ago, Not So Far Away by Trisha Slay. It rated 5 out of 5 stars and was a fantastic surprise of a read. I also finally got around to reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio and found it terribly fantastic. It also received 5 stars.

My 3-star read of the month was a reread...Henry James's Daisy Miller

June TBR

I started planning my TBR ahead at the beginning of the year. I currently have a selection of books slated for each month that will help me meet my challenge goals as well as keep me surrounded by (hopefully) good books. At the beginning of each month, I look back to see which ones I haven't finished from prior months and evaluate which ARCs are due to be read within the month. I make a few adjustments to the originally planned list for the month and then I'm ready to go. This is only applicable to my print and e-reads. My audiobooks are completely by the seat of my pants and tend to depend on what is available from Amazon Prime Reads as well as our local library.

I have already finished two of my slated reads for June:

The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher was an audiobook. It is a YA fantasy read based on a loose retelling of the fairy tale Blackbeard. I haven't read the fairy tale, but I very much enjoyed the story. It wound up with a 4.5 star rating.

The Tower of Blue by Eric Locsh was an e-ARC. It is also a YA fantasy. It was a quirky and imaginative read that I will be reviewing in a separate post in the next few days.

Now...the rest of the month. I have reshuffled the stack to accommodate the ARCs I've received in the last two weeks. This is what I'll be attempting to read in June 2019.

First off are three different ARCs. I am currently reading Dual Citizens by Alix Ohlin and will be quickly following that up with Buy or Die by Theodor Ventskevich and Me, Myself, & Him by Chris Tebbetts.

Next up will be The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin for book club and Child of the River by Irma Joubert which was lent to me by one of the members of my book club. Then it's back to the ARCs for Very Nice by Marcy Dermansky.

Wrapping up the list for the month will be two books that are there simply because I want to read them SO, SO much. I'm hoping to get to On the Come Up by Angie Thomas and The Book of Etta by Meg Elison. Angie Thomas wrote last year's Book of the Year, The Hate U Give. The Book of Etta is the sequel to my favorite read of April, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, and is the second book in The Road to Nowhere series. I'm super excited for both of these reads.

Now...you'd think that would be the end of the books. Buuuuut...I also have to take a peek at my audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks while I'm getting ready in the mornings, while I'm doing housework and the kids are occupied, and while we go on our longer drives to Bemidji.

Right now, I'm about a quarter of the way into The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan. It's a contemporary and it's going pretty well. Next up will be Dumplin' by Julie Murphy. I've gotten both of these books from our library. That should get me to the middle of the month. After that, we'll see what's available.

I've been averaging about 5 books a month along with about 3 audiobooks. So, there's a pretty good chance I won't make it through everything. Let's at least hope I make it through the majority.

What are you reading in June? Have you read any of my picks?


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