Saturday, September 8, 2018

Bout of Books 23: Wrap Up

Bout of Books

This post is going up about a week after the fact, but that's what happens when you have an infant and a toddler in the house at the end of summer. We've had a whirlwind of things to do, both around the house in preparation for winter and events in the area. It's been a busy few days. Add in the fact that the boys have decided not to adhere to their regular napping schedule this week at all and that makes any kind of online presence impossible. If they aren't creating havoc, I have the toddler attempting to smash ALL THE KEYS on the laptop if I so much as try to turn it on. In fact, as I type this, the toddler is refusing to nap and is instead dismantling his pack and play while his younger brother will only nap with me holding him, so he's perched on my arms as I type. 

The read-a-thon went okay, but I didn't get as much reading in as I thought I had. The days just drained me enough that I was ready for bed instead of reading time I guess. But I did make reading progress and I did attend one Twitter chat, so not all was lost. I would like to participate in some of the challenges next time, but I need to get myself a bit more organized in order to balance that participation and the kids.

So...while I didn't accomplish anything too astounding, let's go over what I did manage to complete this time around.

Reading at the Wrap Up:

I have since finished this book, but I was reading Backman's Us Against You at the end of the read-a-thon. It's the sequel to his novel Beartown and it's fantastic. I screwed myself up in the end though. This is one of those books where you just want to keep reading, so you try to push through the late night reading session. I figured I could wrap it up...I only had a small handful of pages I kept going. Unfortunately, I was at the stage where I was too tired to absorb anything, so the next night I was going back to reading with the assumption that I hadn't finished. I reread the last ten or so pages (remembering much about the end as I went), but that choice to push through kind of took the power out of the end for me. Dumb, dumb, dumb. From now on, if I'm getting droopy, I put the book down. Lesson learned.

Completed Books:

Completed Books with the Boys:

You can see what books we've read by going to the Goodreads account for tracking reading with the boys. We finished 25 books during the week and we continue to bust through books daily.

Overall Stats:

Not as many checkmarks as I would have liked, but I do like that I read every day (both on my own and with the boys) and I am very glad that I was able to attend the second Twitter chat. I'm pretty proud of myself for the number of books that I read with my boys (especially since I didn't count the Curious George stories that we were reading for nap in the read-a-thon tally).

I've managed to eek out just enough time to wrap this up. I'm sure there is missing information or maybe even an error or two in the typing (the horror), but the toddler appears to be demanding to be back out for play. So much for mommy time today. 

I hope you had fabulous read-a-thon success and I will see you again for the next go round!


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