Sunday, September 22, 2019

This or That Book Tag

Our entire family managed to catch a cold last weekend and we've been cycling through the four of us feeling crummy. The last three days have been my turn. Whee! I don't remember being this sick in a while and I am being reminded of how much I HATE head colds. So...since my head is all cloggy and I am finding it hard to think clearly enough to write an intelligent sounding book review, I will instead be doing a random book tag from my pile of drafts.

This one is the This or That Book Tag. This is another more generic tag. I don't know where it originated, but it has made some serious rounds in book blogs and booktube. we go!

1. Reading on the couch or on the bed?

Right now I tend to read more on my bed. This is because the majority of my reading gets done at night. During the day reading is a bit more tricky with two busy and handsy toddlers running around.

2. Male main character or female main character?

I can get into books with either, but statistically I tend to read more books with female main characters. In fact, according to my handy dandy spreadsheet, women lead over men by 47% to 24%. 29% of my reads have a combination of both genders.

3. Sweet snacks or salty snacks when reading?

I tend to have quite the sweet tooth, so I will most readily grab the sweets over the salty. On occasion I will enjoy something like pretzels, but for the most part I like candies like gummy bears or Mike & Ike's or I like cookies and energy bites (which are "healthy" no bake cookies) at the ready.

4. Trilogies or quartets?

I have a handful of both on my TBR and my "in progress" series reads lists. However, trilogies tend to be more present.

5. First person POV or third person POV?

Hmm. This is a tough one. This is not a stat I track in my spreadsheet (idea to add for next year), but I think I probably tend to read more third person POV books. I do enjoy first person reads, but I particularly like the omniscient feel of a third person read.

6. Reading at night or in the morning?

Night. Hands down. I am not an early bird in any sense of the term and I have kids who keep me busy during the day. Nighttime is much more relaxing, less distracting, and overall just a better, cozy time to read.

7. Libraries or bookstore?

I like utilizing the library, particularly for audiobooks, but I love owning books. far as where I get most of my reads, this one may be a pretty close tie. As for time spent in one or the other, I will definitely spend more time in a bookstore.

8. Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

This depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to read anything serious and a book with lots of humor is desperately needed. Otherwise, I think I like a book that smacks you right in the feels. So whether it's a happy cry or a sad cry, I think a book that makes me cry is more likely to be my choice.

9. Black book covers or white book covers?

Black. Definitely. White covers get dirty too easy and they give me anxiety.

10. Character driven or plot driven stories?

I think I'd have to go with plot driven. I like my characters to be full and dynamic, but I can't STAND a story where nothing happens. I need movement. Granted, there are definitely books in my 4 and 5 star piles that are character driven, but I feel like I'm more likely to enjoy a book if it has a well developed plot.

And there you have it...bit by bit you're getting to know a little more about my reading style and what makes a good read or a bad read in my opinion. Now, I'm going to go blow my nose, drink some water, and curl under a blanket for the 20 minutes or so I have before the children decide that naptime is over.

Happy reading!


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