Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday Success! Planning for 2013...

Did everyone enjoy their holiday? I did. Well...until yesterday when I caught a ridiculous cold and spent the entire day in bed. I'm a little better off today, but still not 100%.'s still been super to have some relaxation time here and there.

I completed all of the 2012 Christmas Present Project Countdown with time to spare!

I completed the last of the 54 Christmas projects on the night of December 23rd. A full day earlier than last year! Hopefully I just keep getting more and more efficient at this. One step at a time...

I am still reading steadily in order to try and complete my reading goal for the year. I have a feeling I will probably come up a little bit short. worries. I have a contingency plan. If I don't finish all of the 64 books I had planned, then the books with 5 stars will automatically win their initial bracket and the remaining books will be shifted accordingly. That probably doesn't make much sense without actually seeing the bracket, but trust will work. I should also probably take this opportunity to explain that all of the books are actually read. I don't do the audio book thing. To me, that just feels like cheating.

I plan on continuing the book reviews through the end of January and then hopefully will be revealing my favorite book of 2012 by the beginning of February. There are some pretty good contenders. And once again, I have learned a few things that will lead to a revamping of the system for 2013.

Following that endeavor, it's back to the projects. I have quite a bit to share and I'm excited to show off some of the things I've made.

The plan for 2013? Ready?

Here are some of the things I'll be posting (in no particular order):

1. Kiddie Kitchenette
2. Sock Monkeys
3. 52 Things I Love About You
4. Patchwork Name Quilts
5. Alphabet Soup Quilt
6. Homemade Vanilla Extract
7. Homemade Sugar Scrub
8. Jean Aprons
9. Monogrammed Plates & Mugs
10. T-Shirt Quilt
11. "Sparkle" Quilt
12. Gameday Dresses
13. Little Girl Tutus
14. Pony Hoodies
15. Pajama Pants
16. Rice Warmers
17. Rag Rug
18. Beer Bottle Glasses

...and there are some things I'll be working on...

1. Project Life (I've kind of slacked off this year)
2. 2013 Book of the Year (changes to come)
3. 2013 Pumpkin Patch Planner
4. 2013 Christmas Project Countdown

I'm sure there will be things added as the year goes on. In fact, after the blogging extravaganza in October and all of the resulting Halloween decorations, I have decided that other holidays deserve just as much attention. So, I'll be planning some ways to complete projects to increase my holiday decor throughout the year. I have to get some good ideas on how to keep things fun - for readers as well as for my own sanity.

I'll be undertaking some photography challenges in order to increase the number of photos I take throughout the year as well as improve my photography skills. I'll be devising a way to feature these challenges soon.

And...finally...I can't leave out food. I'll be undertaking another round of meal planning in the spring. We are currently winding down on the meal planning/shopping that I completed last fall, but it's going to be a bit before I can fire back up. Unfortunately, our garage side-by-side fridge/freezer decided to bite the big one on Christmas Eve, so I have to wait until we either have it repaired or replaced before I can go do another big shopping run.

And there you have it. There will be organization, there will be planning, there will be posts, and...finally...there will be projects!!! Happy holidays everyone!!


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