Sunday, March 25, 2012

Summary Sunday : Not Much of a Summary Edition

I've bailed out for the week so there isn't much to share as far as blog progress or blog reading goes. It's been a busy one...

We attended Darian's science fair on Tuesday and then went to dinner with Collin's sister Krista and her daughter Abigail afterwards. It was a good evening and everyone was fairly impressed with Dar's project. I think he did a very good job of explaining to everyone. I was certainly happy to have Mrs. Hahn (a school principal from when I attended Dar's school) tell me how wonderful she thought it was and that he should be a scientist.

Collin got a call from Darian at school on Wednesday. Never a good sign. It turns out that he hasn't learned his lesson and had lied to his teacher twice, as well as to me the night before. Once again, he was not turning in his work and she found it shoved in the back of his desk. The frustration continues and he has been grounded yet again.

Wednesday was also the 4th grade Idaho History Program. Darian did his speaking part quite well and he impressed us with his ability to dance the "Saturday Night Quadrille" with the other members of his class. Too bad his rhythm doesn't extend to clapping...

Thursday we had Abigail's 1st birthday party. She was quite the entertaining birthday girl. She is very talkative and emotive. I worked the majority of the week sewing her a teddy bear and I'm happy to say that she loved her present. (I'll teach you how I made him on another day...)

Friday night I went out with the girls for some wings and The Hunger Games. Though I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed in the way it didn't follow the book quite as closely as the Harry Potter series, it was a good movie and I will most likely be watching it again soon. I told Darian that we would go to the theater if he could finish the book. We will see...I suppose he'll have to get ungrounded again first...

Yesterday, a few of the girls came over for a scrapbooking day. It was nice to relax a bit, but I am apparently out of touch with my scrap skills. I was a little rusty and didn't really accomplish what I normally would have. All well, I suppose we all have off days.

Collin and I spent the afternoon by taking the dogs to the dog park for a much needed run and then managed to have our first date in nearly three months. It was nice to finally have some time together...we don't get that much anymore.

I promised to give a couple of recipes at the beginning of the week and I crapped out on'm making up for it now.

I posted these pictures last week :

They were both delicious recipes, so I suppose I'll go ahead and share. I'm sure you won't be surprised to find out that they were both from Pinterest. The Tomato Basil Soup was incredibly easy to make, very healthy and perfect for a rainy day. The Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Whipped Cream Cheese Frosting were a fantastic use of some of that pureed pumpkin I have at my disposal. I did alter her frosting recipe slightly in order to use up the remainder of the heavy cream from the soup recipe, but I'm sure her frosting tastes just as yummy.

There you have it. I have spent most of today relaxing and managed to finish off all of the How I Met Your Mother episodes available on Netflix. It's killing me that I'm going to have to wait until around November to see season seven. In the meantime, I've watched the first episode of Downton Abbey. It's been having quite a bit of buzz lately, but I'm not sure what I think. I'm heading down to watch the second episode so that I can decide whether I'm going to stick with it.

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