Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 2020 TBR

Summer is on the doorstep and it's time to get some good reading in out by the our case that's the inflatable kiddie pool, but it keeps the kids happy and gives me a break from chasing them around since I have strategically placed it inside of the outdoor playpen so they can't escape. *Insert evil mom laugh here*

Like every other month thus far this year, I have PACKED my TBR with a pile of books. I won't likely get to them all within the month, but I like to have options and I would rather have extras than run out of books in the plan. I know it's weird, heaven knows I have a hundred books just waiting to be read so I could easily scout out another, but it works for me.

The June slate is an eclectic one, with middle grade, YA, and adult books represented. There are also fantasies, historical fiction, contemporaries, scifi, and even a horror. It's quite the hodgepodge, but I'm very excited for these reads. 
(I have them listed in a bit of an order based upon some readathon plans I have for the month, but that's never a guarantee that I will read them as listed.)

Let's take a peek at what's on the list:


1. Sin Eater by Megan Campisi - Historical Fiction (2020)
2. Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw - Fantasy (2020)
3. Lifel1k3 by Jay Kristoff - Science Fiction (2018)
4. Nevertell by Katharine Orton - Middle Grade Fantasy (2019)

5. American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins - Contemporary (2020)
6. Open Book by Jessica Simpson - Memoir (2020)
7. The Claires by C.L. Gaber - Supernatural Fantasy (2020)
8. The Kiminee Dream by Laura McHale Holland - Magical Realism (2020)


9. The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune - YA Fantasy (2020)
10. Postscript by Cecelia Ahern - Contemporary (2019)
11. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Classic (1847)
12. In Five Years by Rebecca Searle- Contemporary Romance (2020)


13. Dev1at3 by Jay Kristoff - Science Fiction (2019)
14. House of Shadows by Darcy Coates - Horror (2020)
15. Good Boy by Jennifer Finney Boylan - Memoir (2020)
16. Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas - Gothic Mystery (2020)


17. The Goddess Twins by Yodassa Williams- YA Fantasy (2020)
18. The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant- YA Fantasy (2020)
19. The Glamourist by Luanne G. Smith - Fantasy (2020)
20 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - Dystopian (1932)


21. The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna - YA Fantasy (2021)
22. An Ocean of Minutes by Thea Lim - Dystopian (2018)

Keep an eye on the blog, my Goodreads, and my Instagram for updates and reviews on these books as I read through them in June. Are any of these on your TBR?

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